Professional Domain Services
Thousands of website addresses are registered every day. If you have a domain name in mind, such as your company name, you should register it as quickly as possible. Domain names are a precious commodity - secure the web addresses you want today.
When you order your domain name, you can instantly add web hosting and personalised email to bring your domains to life. If you're not quite ready to use your domains, some clients like to forward them somewhere else until they're ready to get started.
Domain Services
Registrations & Transfers
Automatic Renewals
DNS Control
Why buy domains from us?
The right domain name is crucial on today's internet. It's the first thing people see when they visit your site, and nothing beats a great first impression. Secure a domain name for your business that sends exactly the right message!
Protect Privacy
Control yourself by adding Domain Privacy with your new domain name.
DNS Control
Take control of your DNS with our easy to use DNS tools.
Flexible Control
Domain management is easy with our collection of useful features.
Included with every domain
Instand Ordering
All domains are setup free with instant activation, you won't have to wait, as all domains are registered as soon as payment is received.
DNS Control
Free DNS service which allows you to manage your DNS records on our globally distributed DNS infrastructure.
Automatic Renewals
By default, we'll turn on automatic renewals, so you'll never need to worry about your domain expiring.